Oct 31, 2008

Telur palsu China menjadi sorotan di Korea, Anda sulit membedakan keasliannya!

Seorang pekerja tidur krat-krat telur di sebuah grosiran di Beijing, Cina. Beberapa media utama China, yang mana telah menggemparkan dan menyebabkan kekhawatiran besar di antara Korea (China Photos/Getty Images)

[Erabaru.or. id] - Baru-baru ini, produk-produk tiruan China telah menjadi sorotan di Korea . Beberapa media arus utama Korea telah memberitakan proses pembuatan telur-telur tiruan di China , yang telah menggemparkan dan menyebabkan kekhawatiran besar di antara penduduk Korea . Pada 1-2 September lalu, Munhwa Broadcasting Corporation (MBC) menayangkan sebuah dokumenter berjudul, “Hidup tanpa produk-produk buatan China .” Acara tersebut menelusuri kehidupan tiga keluarga di Korea Selatan , AS , dan Jepang yang menolak menggunakan produk-produk buatan China . Tayangan ini juga berbicara mengenai telur-telur buatan yang merajalela di China , acara ini telah menarik perhatian publik Korea .

Menyusul acara tersebut, koran nomor satu Korea, Chosun Ilbo, telah menerbitkan sebuah artikel berjudul “MBC Special mengekspos telur-telur tiruan buatan China,” melaporkan secara rinci bagaimana telur-telur tiruan itu dibuat. Dong-A Ilbo, koran Korea lainnya, pada 14 Agustus 2007 juga telah menerbitkan sebuah laporan berjudul “Telur-telur buatan dari China dibuat dari bahan-bahan kimia telah muncul di pasaran”.

Sepersepuluh Harga

Untuk membuat telur putih, beberapa jenis bahan, termasuk semacam bubuk dan tawas, dicampurkan – EAST WEEK

Menurut laporan dari Chosun Ilbo, karena peningkatan tajam harga-harga makanan di China, telur-telur buatan, yang dibuat hanya dari bahan kimia tanpa bahan alami, telah muncul di Kota Zhengzhou, Provinsi Henan. Mr. Wang, yang menjalankan sebuah perusahaan yang membuat bahan tambahan makanan, menjelaskan bagaimana telur-telur tiruan itu dibuat. “‘Putih telur’ dibuat dengan melarutkan sodium alginate dalam air. Larutan tersebut akan terlihat seperti cairan bening yang kental dan sulit membedakannya dengan putih telur yang sebenarnya.

“‘Kuning telur’ dibuat dengan menyekop suatu carian dengan pigmen kuning dan memadatkan serokan cairan tersebut ke dalam larutan kalsium klorida. Akhirnya, ‘putih telur’ dan ‘kuning telur’ dibungkus ke dalam ‘kulit telur’ yang dibuat dari kalsium karbonat.

“Jika ditambahkan tepung kanji atau bubuk kuning telur pada ‘kuning telur’ tersebut, tekstur dari sebuah telur buatan setelah dimasak hampir identik dengan telur yang sebenarnya.

Wang mengatakan hanya menghabiskan 0,55 yuan (0,07 dolar AS) untuk membuat

‘Kuning telur’ dibentuk pada cetakan. ‘Air ajaib’ mengandung kalsium khlorida juga digunakan – EAST WEEK

lebih dari 2 butir telur, kurang dari sepersepuluh harga telur yang sebenarnya di pasaran (0,8 dolar AS.)

Bahan utama dalam telur-telur buatan tersebut adalah bahan tambahan makanan, getah damar, kanji, pengeras, dan pigmen-pigmen. Konsumsi yang berlebihan atas bahan-bahan tersebut akan merusak perut dan menyebabkan gejala-gejala seperti kehilangan ingatan dan keterlambatan mental, dll.

Korea Dikecewakan

Dokumenter khusus dan laporan berita tersebut telah menuai perhatian dan kegemparan di tengah penduduk Korea . Banyak orang Korea menyatakan bahwa meskipun produk-produk buatan China seperti pakaian, elektronik, dan lain-lainnya terbilang murah dan telah membawa kenyamanan bagi hidup mereka, kualitas dan keamanannya sungguh mengkhawatirkan.

Belum lama ini, berbagai mainan buatan China telah ditarik dari rak-rak supermarket karena cat pada mainan tersebut mengandung sejumlah logam berat yang sangat tinggi dan dapat mengancam keselamatan anak-anak. Kursus Membuat Telur Buatan Diiklankan Secara Online di China Fakta telur buatan bukanlah hal baru di China . Kursus-kursus latihan untuk “membuat telur buatan” tersebar luas di Beijing, Provinsi

Selaput keras dibentuk dengan menuangkan parafin dan sejenis cairan pada telur lalu didiamkan untuk kering – EAST WEEK

Henan , Shandong, Hebei dan Guangdong . Seorang wartawan Epoch Times telah melakukan pencarian di Internet dan menemukan banyak iklan seperti itu. Kelas-kelas dilakukan dari satu sampai dua hari dan biayanya berkisar antara 300 sampai 800 yuan (40-100 dolar AS).

Sebuah pusat latihan tertentu di Kota Shangqiu mengajarkan teknik pembuatan telur buatan dan memberikan cetakan gratis dalam kursus tersebut. Pusat latihan tersebut menjamin bahwa “Anda sulit dapat membedakan bentuk dan rasa antara produk kami dengan telur yang sebenarnya.”

Baca liputan tentang Kursus Membuat Telur ini di sini: http://www.erabaru.or.id/k_23_art_76.html

Apa Makanan Asli di China?

Sebuah pusat riset yang bermarkas di Fengtai, Beijing , menyatakan bahwa “Perusahaan kami telah menyebarkan teknologi pembuatan telur buatan. Kami telah melatih lebih dari 70 ribu siswa di lebih dari 20 provinsi di dalam negeri. Kami juga menyediakan teknologi untuk membuat “anggur buatan,” daging ayam dan daging sapi buatan,” dan “membuat permen beraroma hawthorn (sejenis buah berry berwarna merah) tanpa menggunakan buah hawthorn.” Menyusul membanjirnya laporan tentang kualitas produk-produk buatan China baru-baru ini, beberapa warga Korea berseru, “Lalu apa yang dapat kalian makan di China? Sungguh industri makanan di China dibanjiri oleh kebohongan dan penipuan, karenanya membuat kepanikan di tengah konsumen.”

Bagaimana Membuat Telur Dari Guangzhou

Untuk membuat telur putih, beberapa jenis bahan, termasuk semacam bubuk dan tawas, dicampurkan - EAST WEEK’Kuning telur’ dibentuk pada cetakan. ‘Air ajaib’ mengandung kalsium khlorida juga digunakan - EAST WEEKSelaput keras dibentuk dengan menuangkan parafin dan sejenis cairan pada telur lalu didiamkan untuk kering - EAST WEEK (Erabaru.or. id) - Penggerebekan baru-baru ini di sebuah pusat grosir kota Guangzhou, ibu kota provinsi Guangdong, ditemukan sejumlah besar telur palsu.

Harga grosir telur palsu adalah 0,15 yuan (0,03 Dollar Singapura) per butir - setengah harga dari telur asli.

Konsumen sangat sulit membedakan telur asli dan telur palsu. Ini adalah berita bagus bagi para pengusaha nakal yang bahkan mengeluarkan tidak kurang 150 dolar Singapura untuk mengikuti kursus tiga hari cara memproduksi telur buatan. Seorang wartawan dari Majalah East Week dari Hong Kong mengikuti salah satu kursus tersebut.

Untuk menciptakan telur putih, instruktor - seorang wanita berusia 20 tahunan menggunakan sejenis ramuan seperti agar-agar, bubuk yang tidak diketahui jenisnya, asam benzoid, bahan pengentalan dan bahkan tawas yang biasa digunakan untuk pengolah industri.

Untuk menciptakan kuning telur, bubuk berwarna kuning jeruk dicampur ke dalam air dan diaduk. Cairan itu kemudian dituangkan ke dalam cetakan plastik yang berbentuk bulat dan dicampur dengan apa yang disebut ‘air ajaib,’ yang mengandung kalsium khlorida. Ini akan membuat selaput tipis di luar ‘kuning telur,’ yang akan mengikatnya dengan kuat.

Lalu telur tersebut dibentuk dengan sebuah cetakan. Tidak lupa kulit telur juga dibuat. Parafin dan sejenis cairan putih yang tidak ketahui jenisnya dituang ke dalam telur palsu itu, lalu didiamkan untuk kering.

Telur buatan ini dapat dijemur dengan sinar matahari atau dikukus. Meskipun muncul gelembung-gelumbung dari telur putih, orang yang mencicipi mengatakan bahwa rasa telur palsu ini sangat mirip dengan telur asli.

Tetapi para ahli memperingatkan akan bahaya mengkonsumsi telur palsu ini. Tidak hanya telur-telur palsu itu tidak mengandung nutrisi apapun, seorang profesor Universitas China Hong Kong memperingatkan bahwa mengkonsumsi tawas dalam waktu lama dapat mengakibatkan penyakit dementia (penyakit mental yang
serius yang dapat mempengaruhi kemampuan berpikir, mengingat dan bertingkah laku normal).

Sumber :

  1. Cui Yingshu, The Epoch Times, 11 Sep 2007 [http://en.epochtimes.com/news/7-9-11/59598.html ]

  2. http://www.erabaru.or.id/k_23_art_76.html

Oct 30, 2008

Pure*Gold PC is just what you think it is

It's been a little while since we've seen a full-size gold-plated PC, but it looks like the advent of small form factor PCs is keeping this little bit of excess alive even in these economic hard times, and the folks at Plush Department have even managed to find it in themselves to provide a matching amplifier for its new Pure*Gold PC. From the looks of it, they've also managed to cram some reasonably high-end specs into the PC, including an unspecified Core 2 Duo processor, 4GB of RAM, a 1TB hard drive, NVIDIA GeForce 8600GT graphics with 512MB of RAM, and a generous eight USB ports and two FireWire ports. No word on a price, naturally, but, whatever exorbitant amount it is, you can just tell yourself that it's not just a PC, it's an investment.

[Via musicradar.com]

AT&T plays nice, gives BlackBerry users free Wi-Fi, too

After months of giving and taking back free Wi-Fi to iPhone users, AT&T announced that all BlackBerry users will be privy to the “nation’s largest Wi-Fi network” if you have an unlimited data plan. Other Wi-Fi-enabled devices will receive the same treatment in the future.

Free Wi-Fi is also being offered to those with AT&T small business broadband plans, AT&T High Speed Internet plans and with qualified AT&T LaptopConnect plans. AT&T is also offering Wi-Fi subscriptions for $20 a month.

“AT&T is committed to providing its customers with the best connectivity at the best value,” said David Christopher, chief marketing officer of AT&T’s mobility business unit. “We have the industry’s leading
lineup of smartphones, along with the nation’s largest Wi-Fi network. It only makes sense for us to bring these unique capabilities together for our customers.”


Beatles Version of Rock Band to Offer Unprecedented Gameplay

A Beatles-branded interactive music game along the lines of Rock Band and Guitar Hero will give gamers and music lovers a chance to play songs from every stage of the Beatles' storied career, from the sweet simplicity of "Please, Please Me" to more sophisticated fare like the songs on Abbey Road.

Unlike previous editions of Rock Band, this one will exist as a "Beatles game" rather than as a branded version of Rock Band. The basic gameplay will be familiar to those who have played other versions of Rock Band, said Harmonix co-founder Alex Rigopulos, but the Beatles' version represents "a unique opportunity for us to forge into new creative terrain in the music game genre and do things that have never been done."

When Wired.com asked Rigopulos to elaborate and whether the game might include song elements such as an Octopus' Garden, he wouldn't get into specifics. But he did say, "a visual exploration of the Beatles imagery is a big part of the creative direction of the project," and Apple Corps. CEO Jeff Jones said the game will include imagery spanning the band's entire career.

MTV's Beatles music game will benefit from participation by surviving band members Paul McCartney, and Ringo Starr and the other two stakeholders in Apple Corps, Yoko Ono Lennon and Olivia Harrison.

"Every member of the Apple team -- Sir Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, Olivia Harrison and Yoko Ono Lennon have been part of the conversation, have seen demonstrations of the game, understand how it's going to roll out, what you're going to see on your screen, how the interactivity and the immersive experience will unfold and they will be involved along every step of the way creatively and musically, with Giles Martin [son of Beatles producer George Martin]," said Apple Corps' Jones. "They'll be involved in the design and the implementation of the design."

The Apple Corps four have seen an early version of the game and seem pleased. McCartney called the project "a fun idea which broadens the appeal of the Beatles and their music," adding, "I like people having the opportunity to get to know the music from the inside out."

Starr observed that the game will ensure that future generations can experience the band's music in a way that make sense to them. "The Beatles continue to evolve with the passing of time and how wonderful that the Beatles' legacy will find its natural progression into the 21st century through the computerized world we live in," he said. "Let the games commence."

Giles Martin, son of Beatles producer George Martin, is adapting the British versions of the band's releases for use within the game. "The thing that we're trying to keep to ... is for people to play the songs as though they're playing the originals," said Martin. "We will be adhering to the original mixes my father and the Beatles did."

MTV/Harmonix' as-yet unnamed Beatles game is slated for a late '09 release.


Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) Released

SDen writes
"Bang on target, the new version of Ubuntu Linux is available for our downloading pleasure. Amongst various changes it sports updates to the installer, improved networking, and a new 'Mobile USB' version geared towards the blossoming netbook market. Grab a copy from the Ubuntu website, and check out Linux Format's hands-on look at the Ibex."

Fiat Yamaha riders head to Valencia with more records in sight

Circuit Ricardo Tormo
Circuit Ricardo Tormo
A record-breaking season for Fiat Yamaha reaches its finale this weekend as the Grand Prix of Valencia brings the curtain down on the 2008 MotoGP World Championship. The traditional season-ending Spanish fiesta sees Valentino Rossi arrive with the title already in his pocket and the all-time points record for a season within his sights, whilst Jorge Lorenzo will become the highest-placed rookie in four-stroke MotoGP history by scoring just four points.

In a season that has seen Rossi become MotoGP World Champion for the sixth time, breaking the record number of wins in the class and scoring his 150th Grand Prix podium on the way, he now needs just eleven points to break the record for the highest tally in a season. He currently stands on 357 points, meaning fifth place or above would take him above the benchmark he set in 2005, which was equalled by Casey Stoner last year.

Lorenzo currently lies fourth in the championship and whilst third is now a mathematically impossibility, Andrea Dovizioso would have to win the race and hope the Spaniard finishes no higher than twelfth to dislodge him. Dovizioso is also the only rider with any chance of denying Lorenzo the title of Rookie of the Year. It is a familiar scenario for the old rivals, who entered the final round of the 2006 season at Valencia battling for the 250cc title, which Lorenzo won with fourth place as the Italian finished seventh.

The 21-year-old from Mallorca has never won at the Ricardo Tormo circuit although he will be looking to set that record straight this weekend in front of the 130,000 race-day fans that will pack into the unique stadium-style surroundings of the track. The layout is characterised by a never-ending burst of tight corners, connected by short straights. The long penultimate looping left-hander and the fast entry to turn one contrast violently with the otherwise geometric flip-flop chicanes and slow speed corners of the infield.

Valentino Rossi - “An account to settle”
“I have had two bad years at Valencia and I have some memories I would like to forget with a good result there this year – I have an account to settle! In 2006 I crashed and lost the championship and then last year I broke my hand and lost second place in the championship! It’s not the best track for us but I won there with Yamaha in my first year with them and I would like to do the same again this weekend. It’s been a fantastic season and the win on Sunday in Malaysia was great, but I am not finished yet and I want to reward my team, Yamaha and Bridgestone for a fantastic season with the best possible result on Sunday. Then we can all celebrate with a big party!”
Jorge Lorenzo - “Aiming to finish on a high”
“Sunday was really disappointing but I am not hurt and now we are looking forward to Valencia. It’s the third ‘home’ race for me and since at the last one, in Barcelona, I couldn’t race, I especially want to get a good result for all my fans. It will be a special race because it’s the 10th anniversary of the Valencia circuit. Of course it is a little sad that I am no longer fighting for third in the Championship, but I can still be Rookie of the Year and this is what I am aiming for. It is really important for me and for all my team. I don’t have the best record at Valencia, I’ve never won the race there, although I was second in 2005, but I do have great memories from winning the 250cc world championship there in 2006. It will be our last race with Michelin, who I won my first premier class race with, and more than anything I want to get a good result for them, for my tyre technician Pierre, for Jean-Phillipe Weber and of course for my team.”
Davide Brivio - “We want to win and party”
“Valencia is the last race of the season so we go there with a twin objective – to win the race and to party! It is nice to go to another race without any pressure and I think all the Spanish fans will enjoy watching Valentino in the incredible form he has shown recently. Of course it has been a tough few weeks on the road for the team, with a lot of travelling involved but honestly when you are winning you don’t feel the stress! Even so, it will be nice to be back in Europe and we will be focusing on ending the season on a high. Whatever the result, we’ll be partying on Sunday night!”

Daniele Romagnoli - “Motivation is high”
“We still have one race to go and it’s another Spanish one so it’s really important for Jorge. Despite the bad result in Sepang we have high motivation and we really want to finish the season well. We will all do our very best to be back on the podium there and to finish the season in the way that Jorge and the whole team deserves. Despite not getting the best results we’ve been in good shape for the last three race weekends and qualified on the front row for five races in a row now, so we know we can do it. This will be the last race with Michelin and so this is another reason to push. We want to give them a good final result to thank them for the hard work they have done all season.”

Valentino Rossi : Information
Age: 29
Lives: Tavullia, Italy
Bike: Yamaha
GP victories: 97 (71 x MotoGP/500cc, 14 x 250cc, 12 x 125cc)
First GP victory: Czech Republic, 1996 (125cc)
First GP: Malaysia, 1996 (125cc)
GP starts: 209 (149 x MotoGP/500cc, 30 x 250cc, 30 x 125cc)
Pole positions: 51 (41 x MotoGP/500cc, 5 x 250cc, 5 x 125cc)
World Championships: 8 Grand Prix (1 x 125cc, 1 x 250cc, 1 x 500cc, 5 x MotoGP)

Jorge Lorenzo: Information
Age: 21
Lives: London, UK
Bike: Yamaha
GP victories: 22 (1 x MotoGP, 17 x 250cc, 4 x 125cc)
First GP victory: Brazil, 2003 (125cc)
First GP: Jerez, Spain, 2002 (125cc)
GP starts: 110 (16 x MotoGP, 48 x 250cc, 46 x 125cc)
Pole positions: 30 (4 x MotoGP, 23 x 250cc, 3 x 125cc)
World Championships: 2 x 250cc

Comunidad Valencia: Record Lap
D.Pedrosa (Honda) 2007, 1′32.748

Comunidad Valencia: Best Lap
V. Rossi (Yamaha) 2006, 1′31.002

Grand Prix Results: Comunidad Valencia 2007
1. D.Pedrosa (Honda) 46′43.533
2. C.Stoner (Honda) +5.447
3. J.Hopkins (Suzuki) +20.404
. V. Rossi (ITA) Yamaha DNF

Jorge Lorenzo Result: Comunidad Valencia 2007
7. J. Lorenzo (SPA) Aprilia +14.751 (250cc)


Oct 28, 2008


Mig33 is a global mobile community that lets you keep in touch with friends and family through a variety of online services, right on your mobile phone.

With mig33, you can chat and send instant messages and emails, make inexpensive international phone calls, share photos, connect with old friends and even meet new ones. Think of it as an addition to your phone's existing service.

What you get with mig33

Suddenly, you'll have an array of services to help you stay connected and save money, all in the palm of your hand.

  • Chatrooms
  • Profiles
  • Photo Sharing
  • Mobile Web
  • Rewards for inviting friends
  • And more
  • Use your IM (MSN, Yahoo!, ICQ , AOL, Google Talk, SMS, to name a few)
  • Share Photos
  • Make inexpensive international phone calls
  • Send cheap international SMS
  • And more

With mig33, consumers use mobile VOIP to save up to 95% on their international calls and roaming costs. However mig33 is far more than just a way of saving money on voice calls; it gives the user a wide range of communication tools. Users can also chat, send SMS, connect and instant message with others (both members and non-members), all using the one simple service.

But more than anything, mig33 is a mobile community that?s connecting people from all over the globe, and helping users save on their phone bills.

One way to think of mig33 is as a combination of a mobile instant messenger and an inbuilt international calling card. But the difference with mig33 is it simplifies everything into one easy-to-use service that you install on your phone. You get the reduced call costs without the inconvenience of having to punch in all those annoying serial numbers.

Since December 2005, mig33 has attracted over a million users to its service and is adding several thousands of new users a day. Every day, hundreds of thousands of mig33 users all over the world are reaching out to their friends, family, work colleagues, and each other. They are sending several million messages over their mobile Chat and SMS services, and placing tens of thousands of phone calls through their infrastructure in Australia, United Kingdom, Hong Kong and the USA.

How do calls work?

With mig33, users can save up to 95% on their international calls and roaming costs.

To start, users download mig33 onto their mobile phone. mig33 is a Java mobile application and is downloaded just like with a mobile ringtone or games. Once you installed it on your mobile, register your mig33 account and you can start using it immediately to make calls at reduced rates.

mig33 creates a call connection between any two phones. Both phone numbers receive an incoming call, and mig33 connects both of these calls together to form the one phone conversation between both users.

It's easy to make calls.

When you're at home ?

If you're already logged into mig33, you simply select the buddy you wish to call and press 'make call' to establish a cheap call connection. It couldn't be easier.

If you want to make a call and you're not already logged in to mig33, you can make a call connection using SMS instructions instead.

To make a call, send an SMS from your registered mig33 phone number with ** to +61427285195.

So for example, if your password was '123456', the origin number was +447755555555, and the destination number was +61403333333, you would SMS '123456*61403333333*447755555555' to +61427285195.

A call will then be established between the 'origin number' and the 'destination number', allowing you to talk at heavily reduced rates.

When you're traveling and overseas, mig33 can be a total lifesaver.

When you are overseas and using roaming services, all your calls are connected back to your roaming mobile, where you pay international roaming rates. (See below)

However with mig33, you no longer have to pay these very expensive rates.

mig33 is also used as a mobile roaming solution. So when you're overseas, you simply direct your calls back to a local number in the country that you?re in, and pay the local landline termination rates for that country. (See below)

And if you're in a hotel, you can use the local number of the hotel as the local destination number for your call. Before you make a call, simply SMS the person you are calling, with your hotel phone number and room number; and tell them that you're about to arrange a call. Be sure to also tell your friend to ask for your hotel room number when they receive the call.

Then, with your mig33 registed phone number, send an SMS with ** to +61427285195.

A call will then be established between you both, allowing you to talk to each other at heavily reduced call rates.

Why is mig33 better?

Every day, more people are discovering the benefits of prepaid international services (like VOIP and prepaid calling cards) for keeping call costs down.

Using an International Prepaid Calling Card may give you much cheaper calling rates, but having to type all those serial numbers into your mobile phone can be very inconvenient. And sometimes you have to call a landline first to connect your call, which adds to the cost of the call too.

mig33, on the other hand, provides prepaid international services without a lot of the inconvenience of these other products (like mobile phone companies or prepaid cards).

The table below compares some of mig33?s main features and benefits against those of mobile phone company services and prepaid calling cards.

As you can see, mig33 is a great international calling card and much more.


Hayden Menjadi Rekan Casey Stoner di Ducati

Sepang, Rabu - Casey Stoner menyambut gembira keputusan Ducati merekrut Nicky Hayden mulai musim depan. Mantan juara dunia MotoGP itu menyebut Hayden bakal mampu membantu tim Ducati untuk berkembang lebih baik.

Hayden, juara dunia MotoGP 2006, akan meninggalkan Repsol Honda untuk menggantikan Marco Melandri, yang hijrah ke Kawasaki. ”Saya waktu itu senang saat diberi tahu bahwa tim tengah melakukan pembicaraan dengan Nicky,” ujar Stoner, dikutip autosport.com, Rabu (15/10).

Menurut pemenang GP Australia itu, dirinya dimintai pendapat oleh Ducati mengenai rencana merekrut Hayden. ”Mereka mempertimbangkan opini saya. Hal ini membuat saya senang. Saya ikut serta dalam perjanjian perekrutannya,” tutur Stoner.

Ia mengungkapkan, dirinya gembira dengan kedatangan Hayden karena pembalap Amerika Serikat itu dinilai bisa membantunya dalam pengembangan motor. ”Kami memerlukan pembalap yang kuat dan tangguh. Kami membutuhkan orang yang bisa membantu mengembangkan motor,” tutur Stoner.

Dinding di dalam tim

Stoner yakin bakal memiliki relasi kerja yang jauh lebih baik dengan Hayden ketimbang dengan Melandri. ”Saya tahu kami akan bekerja bersama dan tidak bakal bertentangan,” ujar pembalap asal Australia itu.

”Tahun ini ada dinding tidak kelihatan di dalam garasi kami, sedangkan dengan Hayden, hal tersebut tidak akan terjadi lagi,” kata Stoner.

Mengenai kondisi relasinya dengan Melandri, Stoner membuat ilustrasi yang lebih tegas. Dengan tim-tim lain, seperti Yamaha dan Honda, ada tembok yang memang sengaja dibangun. ”Namun, tim kami juga memilikinya. Tembok itu tidak kelihatan, tetapi sebenarnya ada,” tuturnya.

Situasi tanpa komunikasi antara pembalap, menurut Stoner, bukan sesuatu yang dimaui tim. ”Saya kira kami perlu lebih terbuka dan erat dalam bekerja sama. Saya kira situasi akan sama sekali berbeda dengan Hayden,” ujar Stoner.

Dovizioso tidak sabar

Andrea Dovizioso sudah tidak sabar untuk segera bergabung dengan tim pabrikan Repsol Honda. Meski begitu, ia menyadari, bekerja dalam tim yang besar seperti Repsol Honda bukan hal yang mudah.

Dovizioso, pembalap Italia, saat ini masih bergabung dengan tim satelit Honda, JiR Scott. Ia bakal bergabung dengan Repsol Honda untuk mengisi posisi yang ditinggalkan Hayden.

Mengembangkan motor sembari berpacu dengan kencang adalah sesuatu yang sangat sulit. ”Saya tidak pernah mendapat kesempatan melakukan pekerjaan semacam itu hingga kini, tetapi saya sekarang merasa sangat termotivasi untuk segera melakukannya,” ujar Dovizioso.

Ia yakin, dirinya akan mendapat motor yang hebat, tetapi buru-buru Dovizioso mengingatkan bahwa konsistensi merupakan faktor paling penting untuk tampil lebih kencang.

”Dengan motor itu, Anda tak hanya bisa tampil lebih kencang, tetapi juga lebih konsisten. Kalau sudah konsisten, barulah Anda bisa tampil lebih kencang lagi,” kata Dovizioso. (ato)


Rossi wins Malaysian MotoGP

Newly crowned world champion Valentino Rossi cruised to victory in the Malaysian MotoGP on his Yamaha here Sunday, with Dani Pedrosa, riding a Honda, finishing a distant second.
SEPANG, Malaysia (AFP) -
Newly crowned world champion Valentino Rossi cruised to victory in the Malaysian MotoGP on his Yamaha here Sunday, with Dani Pedrosa, riding a Honda, finishing a distant second.
Rossi, who sealed the championship in Japan three weeks ago, passed Pedrosa in lap 10 and then raced to the chequered flag at his favourite Sepang circuit with ease in steaming hot track conditions.
The Spaniard started in pole position while Rossi, from Italy, was second on the grid.
The 29-year-old Rossi finished the 116.4-kilometre journey over 21 laps in 43 minutes 06.007 seconds, pulling a wheelie as he crossed the finish line for his ninth win of the season.
Italian Andrea Dovizioso, riding a Honda, finished in third place, while Australian Ducati rider Casey Stoner could only manage sixth in 43:19.647.
Rossi attributed his fifth win in Sepang to a combination of good strategy and teamwork.
"It was a very tough and long race. After five to six laps I started to feel the heat. I am very happy I won. We worked very hard for this victory," he said.
Rossi said his Yamaha M1 was well suited to the long and wide Sepang circuit, enabling him to pass Pedrosa and never look back.
"I had a good start. This bike is suitable for this kind of track. It is an enjoyable track to race," he said.
Sepang is one of the widest tracks on the MotoGP calendar, measuring 16 metres (52 feet) across in some areas, and riders always have to deal with high track temperatures thanks to Malaysia's tropical climate.
The track has four major hairpins and some fast and frequent changes of direction, and is arguably the most demanding race of the year for riders, bikes and tyres.
Pedrosa admitted that it was too dificult to stop Rossi.
"When I was in front, Rossi was close behind me. I tried to keep my position," he said, adding that once the Italian had pulled ahead, "I was not able to improve my rhythm. Next time I have to push harder."
With one race to go, Rossi is in position to set a new record for the highest number of points achieved in a racing season.
The current record of 367 points is held jointly between Rossi in 2005 (from 17 races) and Stoner last year (from 16 races).
Rossi tops the standings after 17 races with an unassailable 357 points while Stoner stands at 255 and Pedrosa third with 229 points. The final race will be held in Valencia next week.
Stoner will undergo wrist surgery to repair an old injury at the end of the season.
Meanwhile, Japanese tyre giant Bridgestone said Sunday it had been appointed as the sole tyre supplier for the MotoGP World Championship for a three-year period starting from 2009.
The company's announcement followed the International Motorcycling Federation's (FIM) decision last month to use only one brand of tyre from the start of the 2009 season.
For the past two years, riders using Japan's Bridgestone have dominated the courses in the premier class, after a long reign by France's Michelin, which said earlier this month that it would not compete for the MotoGP tyre contract.
"Although we were sorry to hear that tyre competition would not continue in MotoGP, Bridgestone appreciates the importance of safety and cost in motorsports," Hiroshi Yasukawa, director of Bridgestone Motorsport, said in a statement.
FIM has cited "safety and cost reasons" for its decision to use a sole supplier.


Oct 22, 2008

Strategi Menyikapi Kegagalan

Anthony Robbins dalam bukunya Unlimited Power, menyatakan bahwa kebanyakan orang dalam kebudayaan kita diprogramkan untuk takut gagal. Padahal, kita semua pernah menginginkan sesuatu tetapi mendapatkan yang lain. Kita semua pernah gagal dalam tes, menderita dalam cinta yang membuat frustrasi yang tidak berhasil, menyususn rencana bisnis yang kemudian gagal. Kata hasil” itulah yang digunan orang sukses, mereka tidak melihat kegagalan. Mereka tidak percaya kepada kegagalan. Itu tidak masuk hitungan mereka.
Orang selalu sukses mendapatkan semacam hasil. Sukses-sukses super dari kebudayaan kita bukanlah orang yang tidak gagal, melainkan orang yang tahu bahwa mereka mencoba sesuatu dan tidak mendapatkan apa yang mereka inginkan, mereka mendapatkan pengalaman belajar. Mereka gunakan apa yang telah mereka pelajari itu dan mencoba sesuatu yang lain saja. Mereka ambil tindakan-tindakan baru dan menghasilkan hasil-hasil baru. Abraham Lincoln paling tidak mengalami minimal 11 kegagalan besar sebelum menjadi Presiden. Asa Candler pembeli hak kemasan Coca-Cola pernah gagal memasarkan minuman pada pabrik soda pada 1899. Steve Jobs dengan tidak melisensikan sistem operasi Macintosh kepada pihak lain menjadi gagal menguasai sistem operasi dunia yang sekarang dipegang oleh Microsoft, bahkan Steve Jobs sendiri pernah didepak dari Apple. Akio Morita dari Sony juga pernah gagal karena tidak mau melesensikan video Betamax yang lebih baik dari VHS buatan Matshushita. Sekarng video yang ada adalah VHS, karena Matshushita mau melisensikan teknologinya kepada pihak lain. Warren Bennis dari Xerox pernah gagal karena memutuskan tidak menjual PC, padahal Xerox mempunyai teknologi lebih baik dibandingkan yang lainnya. Henry Ford gagal dalam memproduksi dan memasarkan kapal dan pesawat terbang dibandingkan dengan memproduksi dan memasarkan mobil. Soichiro Honda menyatakan bahwa yang diketahui orang lain tentang kesuksesannya itu hanya 1 % padahal kegagalannya 99% yang tidak diketahui orang.
Salah satu aset yang bermanfaat hari ini dibandingkan hari kemarin adalah pengalaman. Orang yang takut gagal akan berperilaku untuk tidak berbuat sesuatu yang mungkin tidak efektif. Inilah yang menghalangi mereka dari mengambil tindakan yang sebetulnya bisa menjamin tercapainya keinginan mereka. Orang yang percaya pada kegagalan itu hampir dijamin biasa-biasa saja keberadaannya. Kegagalan adalah sesuatu yang pokoknya tidak dipersepsikan oleh orang-orang yang mencapai kebesaran. Mereka tidak terpuruk oleh kegagalan. Mereka tidak melekatkan emosi-emosi negatif kepada sesuatu yang tidak efektif. Maka sesungguhnya kegagalan itu tidak ada, tetapi yang ada adalah hasil yang tidak sesuai dengan yang kita inginkan.
